Underglaze Slippainted and Incised Earthenware Dish Freer Gallery of Art

This material includes Islamic material dating prior to the Mongol conquest of Central Asia and the Middle E, arranged roughly in chronological society. Information technology is important to realize that the chronological purlieus is somewhat artifical; related work may be found every bit well on the page which begins with the Il-Khanid (Mongol) fabric from Iran. Also the term "ceramics" covers a range of techniques and substances. Sculpture (e.g., etching in stone, wood, and ivory) occupies a relatively small portion of the material.

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Os and forest plaques.
Belatedly Antique motifs of scrolling vines and vases; similar designs found in mosaic and stucco from Ctesiphon and Siraf.
Included are: ME OA 1981.eight-7.1, 1990.v-30.7, 8; 1996.5-23.4 Two pottery lamps.
Syria and Jordan, the unglazed one from Deir Ain Abata. 8th-10th c. CE. The vine and scroll motifs are Tardily Antique.
ME OA 1973.3-17.1; DAA RN 74.1.147 Glazed earthenware condiment tray.
Arab republic of egypt, 9th c. CE. Width: 34.9 cm. Made by Abu Nasr of Basra (Iraq) but in Egypt; shows legacy of Roman moulded relief ware.
ME OA 1889.7-6.75
Larn more. Compare LACMA M.2002.1.xx. Carved stucco panel, once painted.
Iraq, ca. 9th c. CE (?) Detail of carved wooden door panel.
Arab republic of egypt (?), ca. 9th c. CE.
Drove of Sir Sydney Burney.
Compare LACMA 1000.73.5.405 Fragment of painted stucco.
Iraq, Samarra, 9th-10th c. CE.
Compare a similar fragment on display in the Museum f�r Islamische Kunst in Berlin. Earthenware lustre-painted tiles.
Iraq, Samarra, audience hall of main palace. Ca. 9th c. CE. The design contained repeated patterns showing a cockeral surrounded by wreaths.
ME OA 2271.10624.one, 2 Earthenware jar and lid.
Iraq, 9th c. CE. The shape is based on T'ang Chinese export ware. The lid here is from a different vessel, but is like to the one which would have been fabricated for this pot.
ME OA 1936.iii-101; +2065 Tin-coat pottery dishes.
Republic of iraq, 9th c. CE. Influenced past Chinese porcelain designs.
ME OA 1956.7-28.i; 1923.7-25.1 Lobed moulded earthenware dish.
Iraq, 9th-10th c. CE. Influenced past Chinese porcelain designs.
ME OA 1926.three-19.xi
Cf. an analogous ceramic bowl from 9th c. CE Egypt, Inv. no. ME OA 1994.6-two.one. Earthenware bowl.
Iraq, 9th-10th c. CE, the inscription repeating word "baraka" (blessing).
ME OA 1925.11-30.three Two earthenware lustre-painted bowls.
Iraq, 9th-10th c. CE. Design on 2d loosely based on Sasanian crown shown on coins of Khusraw II.
ME OA 1965.4-14.one; 1965.7-thirty.i Earthenware lustre-painted jug.
Iraq, 9th-tenth c. CE.
ME OA 1953.10-22.1 Basin.
Iran, Samanid period, 9th-10th c. CE. Reddish-dark-brown earthenware, with incised vegetal and geometric decoration; green, yellowish and purple splash over white sideslip, nether colorless transparent glaze.
ME OA 1951.x-nine.4 Basin.
Islamic republic of iran, Nishapur. Samanid period, 10th c. CE. Buff earthenware, slip-painted under transparent glaze; sgraffiato incised decoration.
ME OA 1959.four-13 Bowl.
Iran, Samanid menstruum, 10th c. CE. Carmine-brown earthenware, skid-painted under transparent glaze. Decoration includes pseudo-calligraphy.
ME OA 1956.7-28.3 Basin with picture of duck.
Iran, Nishapur (?), 10th c. CE. Earthenware, slip-painted under transparent glaze.
Cf. LACMA M.68.37.7. Bowl.
Islamic republic of iran, Nishapur, 11th c. CE. Earthenware, with inscription: "He who speaks, his oral communication is silver, but silence is a cerise." Dia.: 34.6 cm.
ME OA 1958.12-18.i
Larn more than. Compare: LACMA Grand.68.22.ix, a Nishapur basin dated to 10th c.; Freer Gallery F.1952.11, a tenth-century Samanid plate; Louvre AA 96, a Khurasan plate of 11h-12th c. CE. Stone paste dish.
Iran, 12 c. CE. Copies shape of Chinese porcelain, an example of which from the 9th century is shown for comparison.
ME OA 1956.3-31.i; comparison dish: OA 1976.11-3.1.
For an coordinating Center-Eastern dish, run across Berlin Museum f�r Islamische Kunst, Inv. no. I.32/63, dated to the 11th century. Tankard decorated with signs of zodiac and the planet lords.
Iran, belatedly 12th c. CE. Moulded ceramic. H.: 14 cm.
ME OA 1966.half dozen-13.1
Learn more. Bowl showing ruler and attendants.
Iran, Kashan, dated AH 583/CE 1187, signed by Abu Zayd. Fritware, underglaze-painted, overglaze-enameled haft rang or mina'i ornamentation. Dia.: 21.i cm.
ME OA 1945.10-17.261.
Larn more. For a very similar example of the aforementioned date, compare LACMA M.45.three.116. Bowl.
Iran, probably Kashan, late 12th c. Fritware, underglaze-painted, overglaze-enameled haft rang or mina'i decoration.
ME OA 1930.seven-19.64.
Bowl showing ruler and attendants.
Iran, Kashan, late 12th-early 13th c. CE. Fritware, underglaze-painted, overglaze-enameled haft rang or mina'i decoration.
ME OA 1930.seven-19.63.
Bowl showing horseman.
Islamic republic of iran, Kashan, belatedly 12th-early on 13th c. CE. Fritware, underglaze-painted, overglaze-enameled haft rang or mina'i decoration.
ME OA 1912.12-7.iv.
Pouring vessel with cheetah handles and deer-head spout.
Iran, Kashan, early on 13th c. CE. Fritware, underglaze-painted, overglaze-enameled haft rang or mina'i decoration.
ME OA 1930.vii-19.65.
Model of a house with figures seated in a courtyard.
Iran, Zanjan, near Tabriz, 13th CE. Ceramic stonepaste body with opaque turquoise coat.
ME OA 1886.viii-3.ane. Compare Louvre MAO 492. Drinking loving cup in the form of a harpy.
Islamic republic of iran, Late twelfth-early 13th c. CE. Fritware. L.: 12.7 cm.
ME OA 1965.x-11.i
Learn more than. Vase in the course of a musician.
Iran, early 13th c. CE.
ME OA 1928.7-21.ten
Compare LACMA M.73.5.191, a Kashan-ware seated musitian from the 13th century; and a Kashan-ware bottle in the class of a seated human, collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Lustreware vase.
Iran, Kashan or Rayy, early (?) 13th c. CE.
Compare Freer Gallery S1987.83, a Kashan-ware bottle dated ca. 1200-1300. Double-sided plaque with face, swan motif and pigsty for intermission.
Islamic republic of iran, early 13th c. CE. Impressed terracotta.
ME OA 1985.two-3.1
Jerusalem, the Haram al-Sharif (location of the Dome of the Stone), ca. 12 c. CE. Limestone.
ME OA 1903.2-twenty.4 Dish with image of a harpy.
Northern Syria, second one-half of 12 c. CE. Fritware, incised and painted nether transparent coat, so-called laqabi technique. Dia.: 41.5 cm.
ME OA 1923.2-17.1
Larn more than. Compare Freer Gallery F.1929.11. Dish with image of 2 birds.
Northern Syria, 13th c. CE. Fritware, incised and painted nether transparent glaze, so-called laqabi technique.
ME OA 1945.x-17.262
Bowl with epitome of mounted archer.
Constitute near Aleppo, Syria, 13th c. CE. Skid-painted, sgraffiato incised pottery, following popular techniques and styles from earlier Samanid period in Islamic republic of iran.
ME OA 1931.7-16.one
Learn more. Note on BM website, the image is reversed. The equus caballus and passenger face left. Basin with paradigm of a harpy.
Plant near Mina on coast of Syria, 13th-14th c. CE. Sgraffiato incised pottery.
ME OA 1937.3-17.v


Source: http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/museums/bm/bmpremongolceramic.html

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