Funny Waiting on the Hurrican Comedy

Remember, If your apartment is hit by a dolphin, DO NOT GO OUT TO SEE IF THE DOLPHIN IS OKAY That's how the hurricane tricks you into coming outside.

Funny Hurricane Jokes

Secretary walks into the President's room Secretary: Mr.President, Hurricane Florence is causing trouble.
Trump: Offer her the same deal as Stormy Daniels.

I want to make a joke about hurricane Harvey But I am scared my inbox will be flooded

What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? "Hold onto your nuts, this ain't no ordinary blow job."

My marriage was a like a hurricane. At the beginning there was a lot of blowing, but in the end I lost my house.

If your apartment is hit by a dolphin, DO NOT GO OUT TO SEE IF THE DOLPHIN IS OKAY. That's how the hurricane tricks you into coming outside.

It's too early for hurricane jokes wait for everything to blow over first.

What do a tornado, a hurricane, and a redneck divorce have in common? Somebody's gonna lose their trailer.

Why do hurricanes get lousy names, like Sandy? Name that thing Hurricane Death Megatron 900 and I guarantee folks will be evacuating like they need to.

What do Kim Kardashian and Hurricane Sandy have in common? They will both blow the entire east coast just to get on TV.

What do Hurricane Matthew and Kim Kardashian have in common? They'll both blow the entire east coast just to get on TV

What happens to a sailboat in a category 5 hurricane? MAST DESTRUCTION!!!

I'll ~~see~~ sea myself out...

Women are like hurricane... ...when they're coming, they are nice and wet. When they're leaving, they take cars, houses...

If your house it hit by a dolphin, DO NOT GO OUT AND SEE IF THE DOLPHIN IS OKAY. That's how the hurricane tricks you into coming outside.

Why are women like a Hurricane? They come at you all hot and wet and leave you without a house or car...

Why is a marriage like a hurricane? At the beginning there's a lot of blowing, and when it's over your house is gone...

HURRICANE SANDY UPDATE Mitt Romney has advised everyone in the path of Hurricane Sandy to make their way to their 2nd or 3rd homes immediately.

Where do squirrels go in a hurricane? All over the place!

Hurricane Ophelia just blew the roof off my cheese factory. There's de Brie everywhere

What do a Florida hurricane, a Kansas tornado, and an Arkansas divorce have in common? Some poor sap's gonna lose a trailer.

What does a marriage and a hurricane have in common? In the beginning there is lots of sucking and blowing, and in the end you still loose your house

Have you heard of the new drink that they're calling the Hurricane Sandy?... Yeah.. apparently it's just a watered down Manhattan.

A hurricane is a lot like getting married... Starts with a lot of blowing, then you lose your house.

How is a hurricane like a marriage? At the beginning there's a lot of blowing and sucking, and when it's over your house is gone.

What does Hurricane Katrina and Kim Kardashian have in common? They have both swallowed hundreds of black kids :)

Astronauts release a photo of Hurricane Harvey... Astronauts released a photo of Hurricane Harvey as seen from the the International Space Station. They sent a short message along with the photograph; "Houston, you have a problem."

Women are like Hurricane Harvey When they come, they're wet and wild. When they leave, they take your car and your house.

This Hurricane should have been called Snooki... The're both heading to the Jersey Shore with plans to blow everyone in a 50 mile radius.

My wife is like a hurricane... At the beginning there was a lot of blowing and sucking, and in the end I lost my house.

Texas refuses to remove its statues. Hurricane volunteers to help.

After Trump changes course of hurricane with a sharpie House approves budget of 12 crayons for border wall

Trump is like Hurricane Matthew The media is talking about it nonstop. Nobody knows how bad it's going to be, but you can't help shake your head at the Floridan who ignores the warning.

About that hurricane Dorian... If it gets anymore major than this, we'll have to rename it Ionian.

Mc'Donalds in hurricanes No wonder McDonalds places are still open during hurricane sandy. None off their customers can blow away anyways

I heard Irma swallowed a record amount of seamen That hurricane is terrifying

What's the worst Halloween costume for this year? Hurricane Harvey Weinstein.

What's the best part about a hurricane party? You literally raise the roof

What's common between a woman and a hurricane? When they come, they're wild and wet, and when they leave, they take the house and car with them.

Edit: Grammar

Nobody's happier about hurricane Irma than Hillary Clinton and Al Gore It's the only reason their books are flying off the shelves in Florida.


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